If there is one thing to know about The Spoiling Dead Fans, it's that what they almost spill (or spoil) about every season of The Walking Dead (TWD) mostly speaks of truth.
The Spoiling Dead Fans has recently released some answers, clues, and hints as to where season 6 of TWD is likely headed. Read on.
Here are the questions and answers released by The Spoiling Dead Fans in text and my views on it inside parentheses.
1. Do Sasha, Abe and Daryl make it back to Alexandria? No.
(Hopefully, it's not Daryl's demise that we're talking about here. :()
2. Do the others find out about the tied up wolf? What are their reactions and what do they decide to do with him? Yes. Denise and Carol. We don't see their reaction or any decision.
(Hmmm. This is pretty much interesting. Carol has been missing in action lately.)
3. Any sex in the episode? If so, who? No.
4. Does Abe break up with Rosita? No.
5. Does Maggie reveal her pregnancy to anyone else? No.
(Poor Maggie. Why'd she have to face it without Glenn?)
6. What causes the tower to fall? At what point in the episode does the herd make its way into the safe zone? It just collapses due to it being weakened by the truck from a few episodes back. The herd is still surrounding Alexandria.
7. Do we find out who said "Help" on the radio? If so, who? No.
(I have a bad feeling it's _____________.)
8. Does anyone go looking for Glenn? No.
(Well, didn't Maggie and Aaron attempt to look for him?)
9. How does Glenn escape? The old hide-under-the-dumpster trick. Cheap.(Glenn basically waits it out until the walkers leave. Enid spots Glenn first from a roof and throws him some water down after he gets out.)
(Hurray! Glenn's alive [at least to TSDF]! I bet he's got more lives than cats have! Wait, how did Enid get there in the first place?)
10. Does Glenn make it back to Alexandria? Yes to the outskirts. (Glenn releases the balloons he had to signal he survived the mission.)
(Aww, at least it's great news for Maggie! Now, the question is, will they ever meet?)